Our main objective is to equip you with the necessary tools to achieve your goals. We will work WITH you to establish a unique and specific road to recovery!



Our Chiro can assess, diagnose, treat and prevent an array of musculoskeletal disorders or injuries. The treatment of each presentation is determined by the outcome of the assessment and is specific to each individual. Our Chiro will follow an evidence based process which will more than likely include a combination of manual therapy techniques (eg. massage, dry needling, adjustments) and exercise therapy.

  • Spinal pain - including neck pain and lower back pain

  • Headaches

  • Sports injuries - including muscle strains and ligament sprains

  • Overuse injuries - including the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle

  • Injury prevention and optimisation of performance

  • Exercise prescription and programming


Whether you’ve sustained a muscle injury playing sport or you have had that niggle in your knee for some time - our Physio is here to help. Much like our Chiro, the Physio will apply evidence based practice to support and manage your recovery. Exercise based therapy will play a significant role in the management of your symptoms, however manual therapy techniques could be used to improve function and manage pain.

  • Sports injuries - including muscle strains, ligament sprains and fractures

  • Overuse injuries - including the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle

  • Post-operative rehabilitation - including joint replacements, ACL reconstruction, achilles tendon repair and fracture management

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Injury prevention and optimisation of performance

  • Exercise prescription and programming


A regular massage is an excellent investment in your health! The list of potential benefits, in regards to performance and recovery is a long one, but here are our favourites:

  • Reduced muscle tension

  • Improved brain function

  • Better sleep

  • Relief for muscle and joint pain

  • An immune system boost

  • Reduced anxiety and stress

  • Improved circulation